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Assignment Week 6: eyeOS

Have you ever travelled around and wished you had the files you stored at home?  Well, now you can do that anywhere where there is an internet connection, with a web application called “eyeOS”.  In short, this web application is…

Assignment Week 5: The Olympics!

I am looking forward to the Olympics.  It’s because it’s hosted in Vancouver, very close to where we live.  It gives everyone an opportunity to see the Olympics in person, not just on television.  I know that business owners have…

Assignment Week 3: FUN DAY!

Today was a lucky day for me and others in middle school.  We had a Professional Development Day (Pro-D Day for short) for all our middle schools in our district.  Before hand, I suggested to some of my friends that…

International Baccalaureate

In half a year, I’ll be finishing Grade 8.  It’s the time when I will move on to another school. This school could be a regular school, or a school that has a programme that explores the world in depth,…

Assignment Week 2: A Book Called “Zoobreak”

This week, I just finished reading a book by Gordon Korman.  The book is called, “Zoobreak.”  It is a book about a girl named Savannah who has her monkey mysteriously stolen from her backyard.  Zoobreak is filled with suspense and…

Soccer Game!

Today, I had a soccer game.  I woke up pretty early, somewhere around 7:30AM.  I got myself out of bed, brushed my teeth, and went to my kitchen to eat my donut.  After, I got dressed and left my house…

Assignment Week 1: Poser!

I found this video on YouTube, called “Poser!”.  It is a “mockumentary” about the peace sign and how it has evolved.  It is by Wong Fu Productions, which has been on YouTube for a long time.  It is quite funny if…

Assignment Week 1: My Winter Break!

This year’s winter break was nice.  By this year, I mean the last 2 weeks of 2009.  Before Christmas, I spent most of my time sleeping in and playing video games on my computer.  Once in a while, though, I…