Vacation: Cruise Day 5

Today, we arrived at our last stop in Mexico: Puerto Vallarta. The ship was docked at 7AM this morning, but I woke up at around 8:45AM. I was hungry, so I ditched my brother and got food for myself. After, I came back to my room and played some more Plants VS Zombies. I think this game is addicting (LOL). Anyways, we left the cruise ship at around 10AM, and got ourselves an EPIC tour guide who’s funny, outgoing, and basically…cool. He took us around Puerto Vallarta. We went up to a mountain top, where there was a nice view, and we took some photos. We also went to look at a naturally formed tunnel or arch in a large rock from far away. There were actually three tunnels in three rocks. They looked like buns. This arch or tunnel is not the one in Cabo San Lucas. Next, we headed off into the mountains, in a more remote area, to see how Mexicans make Taquilla organically, without any chemicals. That was pretty interesting, seeing the whole process. My dad bought a bottle after trying one. At around 1:45PM, or 3:45PM local time, we headed backwards, and stopped at a place with a nice view of a waterfall. Since it rained the day before, the water was murky and rapid. We ate some great Mexican food there. After an hour and a half, we headed back to the core of Puerto Vallarta, where we got time to look at a church, and to look around in the market. In the end, we weren’t able to buy anything, as the merchants didn’t really allow much price adjustments. At around 5PM, we went back to the cruise ship terminal, and my brother, Royce, and I boarded the ship with my dad’s backpack, because my dad was too lazy to carry it. This, in the end, made us wait until my dad boarded the ship, as there was Taquilla in his backpack, and we aren’t allowed to check it in as we are not of the drinking age. The delay caused us to rush and change for dinner. That night, we had **FILL IT IN**. It was great. After, we went back to our rooms, watched some more Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn and played a bit of Plants VS Zombies…again. At 9PM, we went to watch a show. When we came back to our room, we continued to play Plants VS Zombies until 1:30AM. It was then we decided to sleep.



Just some guy on the Internet that writes code for fun and for a living, and also collects anime figures.

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