Month September 2010

Earthquake Drill

Today we had an earthquake drill at school.  I expected it to be the usual.  My usual is we actually count out loud to 60, walk out silently without getting scolded by the teacher, and waiting quietly outside in a…

Soccer Game

Today I had a soccer game.  We played with an epic fail referee that was pretty much bias towards the other team.  Not only that, our goalie epic fails too.  The referee made me rage in silence. The referee made…

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Today was a typical day.  I woke up at 7: 20AM, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and ate coconut bread and drank milk for breakfast.  I then headed off to school, where I had Mandarin 9 in block 1. Since…

High School…

This year, I am finally in secondary, or high school.  I go to Port Moody Secondary School, which is quite far away from my house.  To commute to and from school, I take British Columbia’s epic fail transit system. The…