Tag Wii

It’s Been a While…

Hello! Well, it’s been a while since I’ve been on my blog.  I ran into some problems with Apache after upgrading from Ubuntu 9.04 to Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS.  Now it’s been fixed, and I’m back.  Anyways, during these past few…

Assignment Week 3: FUN DAY!

Today was a lucky day for me and others in middle school.  We had a Professional Development Day (Pro-D Day for short) for all our middle schools in our district.  Before hand, I suggested to some of my friends that…

Internet Channel

A few days ago, Nintendo released an update for the Internet Channel, which is powered by Opera.  It now uses Adobe Flash Lite 3.1 ( Equivalent to Flash 8 ) and is now free, compared to the 500 Wii points…

Fun days…

I’ve had some fun days lately. I had some friends come over and that was about it. We played some Wii and rode our bikes and that was about it…

The Homebrew Channel for Wii

Today I decided to install the Homebrew Channel, a software mod in which you can play “homebrew” games and launch other utilities.  I though it would take a long time to install, but in reality, it took only 3 seconds…