The Cinderella Fes Noir banner, this time featuring Akagi Miria's fifth SSR.

Akagi Miria’s New SSR5

Miria SSR5 came faster than I expected. Nonetheless, it meant spending the jewels I saved up in an attempt to pick her up from the latest gacha pool, along with the end result.

So the time had come. After saving up roughly 46k star jewels in wait for a new Miria SSR, it finally happened: Miria SSR5 (Fantast!c Now☆) came on banner. And because this was also a cinfes, the rates were doubled, translating to SSR rates at 6%. Naturally, this meant I had to roll.

The Cinderella Fes Noir banner, this time featuring Akagi Miria's fifth SSR.
Cinderella Fes Noir banner, this time featuring Akagi Miria’s fifth SSR.

For the first 180 rolls I actually got a bunch of SRs. Mixed into the batch were 4 SSRs. I did get an Azuki dup, but the rest were new: Clarice, Hotaru, and Haru.

The next part is a bit more painful, because 46k jewels only translates to 180 pulls. This meant that I had to buy jewels, which I went for in the 6300 pack for 4900 JPY. The next two rolls landed me the most recent Sachiko SSR, which I was pretty ecstatic about:

At this point, I was kind of bummed out, but decided to try my luck one last time. I went and bought another 6300 jewel pack, and went for another roll, and FINALLY got Miria! Not only that, but I managed to get two copies, and also with premium cut!

Her awakened card looks really cute, too!

Miria’s SSR5 unawakened card is of her sitting in Producer-san’s car, while her awakened card is of her in the circus. Here’s two videos containing some of the idle lines she says on the home screen:

Miria SSR5 voice lines from my home screen.

In the end, the two 6300 jewel packs costed ~$110 CAD after conversion. The wallet hurt a bit, but honestly thought it would have been more. Thank goodness that wasn’t the case.

Anyways, that’s all I have today, until next time!


Just some guy on the Internet that writes code for fun and for a living, and also collects anime figures.

Articles: 273


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