Well, today, I surprisingly woke up at 6AM due to my mom coming in and closing the blinds in my room. I chilled and played Black Ops from 9AM to 10:30AM with Ray Low. After that, I biked to Ray’s house, and we went biking on the PoCo Trail. It was quite fun, and worked off some of that fat (that was for Franky cause he always says this…LOL). Sadly, I went to Henderson, parked and locked my bike, and walked to Coquitlam Centre to eat at McDonalds (Franky: “YOU FATASS…”). I bought $20 worth of McDonalds food (Franky: “Like I said Lui, FATASS…”), but $13 of that was Ray’s share as I bought it for him (Franky: “LOL…”). Amazingly, he tanked his McChicken, medium fries, another burger, and a few chicken nuggets from Andy Lee, who came as well, along with Andrew Li. I just ate two chicken snack wraps, large fries, and drank an iced coffee (DOLLAR DRINKS…yay).
After that “grand” feast, we headed back to Henderson Place, where Andrew, Andy, Ray, and I played Big Two. I don’t want to explain what it is, since I know I’ll remember it. It was okay. We left a hour later, with Andrew and I buying bubble tea at Sammi’s. Andy walked to his friend’s house, while Andrew, Ray, and I biked to Walton, where Ray went home. Andrew and I continued on back to my house to continue chilling. We played Black Ops (lol…) Zombies, along with Search and Destroy. 45 minutes later, Ray joined us again at my house after getting a haircut nearby. They left at 6PM.
I ate dinner at 6PM, even though my family’s kitchen is still not complete. After dinner, I got a call from Ray Low, saying that he left his phone at my house, so I biked to his house. Since my house is up on the hill, and his house is near the bottom, it took me approximately one minute to arrive at his doorstep. Too bad, it took me 10 minutes to get back up to my house (QQ). After that hard “mission,” I played Black Ops…again…for the third time today. I took a shower afterwards, and my brother called, telling me to bring the PS3 to the basement as his friends were coming over to “hang out.” Turns out, they came to play MapleStory…LOL. Now I’m blogging, and feel like sleeping.
These days are just going to be longer…and longer…and longer. Oh well, I hope to take pictures some time soon.