Summer Break: Day 5 – More Anime Expo 2011 Online on NicoVideo!

I did not have a good sleep last night, but I still managed to wake up at 9:45AM to watch the beginning of the cosplay interviews on NicoVideo! I managed to watch a total of around six hours and thirty minutes of that live feed in total, out of a total of the eight hours it was being aired. Anyways, I intend on doing the same tomorrow, or possibly hang out with my friends. I don’t want to be a loner xD. Also, it is sad to say that this is the first Anime Expo that I’ve ever paid any attention to. To remind myself, and possibly other people, it has only been around 386 days since I first, and I mean first, started watching Anime. Sad, and late, right? I would agree as well. Too bad I can’t alter my past. Continuing on with my activities today, Aunt Karen came over today, and we had dinner at home. She was also very generous to bring a box of cake samplers, which included cheesecakes and coconut tarts. After dinner, I went to my basement, and played Dance Dance Revolution: SuperNova for a hour and a half to kill some time. It was after this that we ate cake and tarts. Now, I’m blogging, and feel like getting some more sleep in preparation of tomorrow’s final day of Anime Expo 2011.

I’ll be blogging again tomorrow!


PS: I’ll see if I can get some photos! xD


Just some guy on the Internet that writes code for fun and for a living, and also collects anime figures.

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