Canada Day Fireworks Celebration 2011

Summer Break: Day 3 – Canada Day!

Well it’s a little late to be blogging right now, but anyways, today was fun. I just came home a little while ago from the park near my house. There were fireworks. Lots. It was epic. Words can barely describe that beautiful sight of colours fluttering in the air. Of course, with everything, I have pictures to show at the end of the post. Anyways, I’ll start from the beginning of the day.

Today, I woke up at around 9:45AM. I ate two slices of bread and drank some milk for breakfast. Afterwards, I took Franklin’s broken iPod Touch 1G, and disassembled it in an attempt to fix it. Surely enough, it work. I move the battery a little, and BAM, it turned on, with 85% battery! Pretty good for an iPod that was dead for three months. Anyways, later in the day, I went to Ray’s house and exchanged Franklin’s iPod for Ray’s PlayStation 2. I got Franklin’s permission, so it was fine. Plus, they’re cousins. Anyways, I anxiously rushed back home with the PS2 and set up my basement to play Dance Dance Revolution: SuperNova. I was planning to play DDR: Extreme 2, but I had no idea where my memory card was, and my disk was messed up, too. Moving on, Aunt Elaine came over to take a look at our ongoing kitchen renovations. She loved it. We had a barbeque that evening, with chicken, steaks, ribs, corn, and lots more. I was a fatty and drank 3 cans of coke (Franky: “That’s CHUBBS for you…”). After dinner, my brother and I watched Hidan no Aria, an anime series. It was okay. Two episodes came out today, but I’ve only watched one and a half episodes. My brother, who surprisingly watched the last episode first, said it sucked if there was no season two. I’ll see for myself later. The reason why I didn’t finish that last episode of Aria was because I went to see Canada Day celebrations with FIREWORKS! That was a job well done by the City of Coquitlam. Here are pictures for you to see:

Anyways, that’s all I’ve got right now. I’m going to sleep now. I’ll be blogging again tomorrow!




Just some guy on the Internet that writes code for fun and for a living, and also collects anime figures.

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