Well, time has passed, and it’s soon time for me and others to get back in school. Today is miserable, because it’s pouring rain outside. Regardless of that, I am still heading out with my friends later to hang out. Anyways, it’s time for me to reflect on my summer:
There were many things I did this summer, including, and not limited to:
- Playing cards,
- Having sleepovers,
- Playing soccer tournaments,
- Going on a Mexican cruise,
- Visiting Los Angeles, California, United States,
- Going to the mall with friends,
- Seeing fireworks in Vancouver,
- Going to the beach,
- Visiting relatives,
- Eating out with friends and family,
- Having BBQ’s,
- Configuring my server,
- …and much much more to put down.
This summer, I believe it was one of the best summers I have had. The valuable time I spent with my friends, and the fun I had with my family won’t be forgotten. Anyways, I have to get a move on now. See you soon.