Tag server

I’m Back!

Hello! After being gone for at least half a year, I’m back!  I’m still trying to fix some issues with my blog entries, as my server’s file system was corrupted, and I had to reinstall my server.  I’m going to…

It’s Been a While…

Hello! Well, it’s been a while since I’ve been on my blog.  I ran into some problems with Apache after upgrading from Ubuntu 9.04 to Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS.  Now it’s been fixed, and I’m back.  Anyways, during these past few…

The End of Summer 2010

Well, time has passed, and it’s soon time for me and others to get back in school.  Today is miserable, because it’s pouring rain outside.  Regardless of that, I am still heading out with my friends later to hang out.…

Assignment Week 6: eyeOS

Have you ever travelled around and wished you had the files you stored at home?  Well, now you can do that anywhere where there is an internet connection, with a web application called “eyeOS”.  In short, this web application is…