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A New Grad, and What’s Next

A few days ago, I finally received the email confirmation for being awarded my degree for a Bachelor of Applied Sciences (First Class with Distinction). I’m really happy for this academic achievement that I worked so hard for. I have…

Post-University Reflection

I started writing this post in June, but I’ve finally managed to finish it now. I don’t want to change the wording on some of it, so I’ve left most of it in tact. So now that I’m almost done…

Azur Lane: Eldridge

For my birthday a few months back, I decided to get myself the 1/7 scale version of Eldridge from the popular mobile game Azur Lane, which features anthropomorphized warships based off of those from World War II. As you can…

Summer 2019 Anime: First Impressions – Part 2

Time for a study break! So continuing from where I left off last time, here’s a few more that I’ve watched: Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san (世話やきキツネの仙狐さん) I’m a big fan of kemono/nekomimi, so when I saw this series, I jumped…

Atelier Sophie: Plachta

This past April, I went to Sakura-con 2019, an anime convention in Seattle, where I found an in-box and sealed figure that I regretted missing out on when she was out for pre-order last year: a 1/7 scale figure of…