Sony Xperia 1 II

I recently got a new phone. Just a small little write up on it.
The Sony Xperia 1 ii, taken with my previous Sony Xperia XZ1.

I recently got a new phone: the Sony Xperia 1 ii. They’re not sold in the Canadian market so I had to import mine from the US. After taxes it came up to almost ~$1800 CAD.

I took it with me on my camping trip, so those photos in the other post were all taken with it. It’s actually really great for that.

One thing that’s noticeably different between my old Xperia XZ1 and the Xperia 1 ii is the 21:9 screen. I had to try out deresute on it, so here’s a few screen captures I got.

And this makes it my 5th Xperia and the 6th Sony phone I’ve had. I still remember writing about my first Sony Ericsson W705. Things have certainly advanced a lot in the last decade, and I am still biased towards Sony, their form factor has been pretty consistent and I really like it.

Anyways, until next time!


Just some guy on the Internet that writes code for fun and for a living, and also collects anime figures.

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