The Fair at the PNE, and the Second Last Day of August

Today, I went to the Fair at the PNE, located in Vancouver, BC.  This was the Fair’s 99th birthday.  There were lots of shows, exhibits, and shops.  The great outdoor weather was fantastic!  The sun attracted a LOT of people.  When I say a lot, i mean A LOT.  What was a narrow pathway was filled with thousands of people.  When I went, I only wanted to do a few things, like:

  • Watch Superdogs
  • Drink lemonade
  • Eat some mini-donuts
  • Walk in the marketplace
  • Go in the Grand Prize Show Home

And, I eventually did all that…
I even met my friend’s brother.  He was working…at the PNE…

Anyways, it’s also the second last day of August!  School’s around the corner…and I’m really not looking forward to it… xD


Just some guy on the Internet that writes code for fun and for a living, and also collects anime figures.

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